Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Sob 16:31, 20 Sty 2007    Temat postu:

uruchom przez notatnik....
PostWysłany: Czw 18:20, 18 Sty 2007    Temat postu:

Mozesz to napisać dokladniej??
PostWysłany: Śro 16:46, 17 Sty 2007    Temat postu:

Wszystko super tylko niewiem oco ci biega z tymi plikami confing.lua. Przecież tego pliku niemożna uruchomić tak o. Fajnie by było gdybyś dokładnie to pisał.
PostWysłany: Nie 17:03, 14 Sty 2007    Temat postu: Jak zrobic Otsa na Tibie 7.9

No to zaczynamy:
1.Sciongamy silnik czyli tak jakby cały ots.
Z Silniki na tym forum czyli tu
Tam macie link.
To jest jedne z lepszych pod Tibie 7.9 ;]]
2.Uruchamiamy Plik Config.lua
i Zaczynamy
wszystko co tam pisze skasowac i wpisac to to jest takie jakby ulepszenie ;]] i oglondac co dgzie wpisac

-------- config.lua --------
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- data directory location
datadir = "data/"

-- map location
map = "data/world/Evolutions.otbm" -

-- mapkind
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- map store location (for XML only)
mapstore = "data/world/Evolutions-mapstore.xml" -

-- house store location (for XML only)
housestore = "data/world/Evolutions-housestore.xml"

-- bans storage (for XML only)
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"

-- server name
servername = "WestSide7.9"

-- server location
location = "Poland"

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = "XXX(niemoe ip podawac)"

-- server port (the port that server listens on)
port = "7171"

-- server url
url = "---"

-- server owner name
ownername = "---"

-- server owner email
owneremail = "---"

-- world name
worldname = "WestSide"

-- world type
-- options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp"

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second)
exhausted = 850

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedadd = 0

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second)
pzlocked = 2500

-- house rent period
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "monthly"

-- rates (experience, skill, magic level and loot)
rate_exp = 5
rate_skill = 100
rate_mag = 100
rate_loot = 20

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters)
motd = "Welcome to WestSide Ots!Dzialamy na silniku Xing 7.9v0.1a!W razie problemow pisac na gg 4921853 lub jezeli ktos zna lepsza wersje tego otsa lub innego =]"
motdnum = "100"

-- login message
loginmsg = "Welcome to WestSide Ots!Exp 5,pvp,Skills x100,loot x 20=]!"

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 5

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip)
retrytimeout = 20

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again
logintimeout = 1 * 5 * 10

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char)
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
allowclones = 0

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "50"

-- md5 passwords for accounts
-- options: yes, no
md5passwords = "no"

-- SQL type
-- options: mysql, sqlite
sql_type = "mysql"

--- MySQL part (ignore if you are using SQLite)
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db = "otserv"

--- SQLite part (ignore if you are using MySQL)
sqlite_db = "db.s3db"

---------------------------- Xing basic configuration ----------------------------

--House Configs.
houselevel = 20
houseprice = 100

--Server Save in minutes
-- Enable this server save?
enabletlm = "yes"
autosave = 2

--Skull configs
-- time to lose a white skull (1 = 1 minute)
whitetime = 2

-- time to lose one frag (1 = 1 hour)
fragtime = 0.5

-- ban unjust, how many frags you need to get banned (1 = 1 frag)
banunjust = 9

-- red skull unjust, how many frags you need to get a red skull (1 = 1 frag)
redunjust = 6

-- bantime, for how long the player is banned (1 = 1 hour)
bantime = 1*1

--access configurations
accesstutor = 1

-- cap system
capsystem = "no"

--free premium?
freepremium = "no"

------------------------------ GM access rights --------------------------------

-- access to walk into houses and open house doors
accesshouse = 3

-- access to login without waiting in the queue or when server is closed
accessenter = 1

-- access to ignore damage, exhaustion, cap limit and be ignored by monsters
accessprotect = 3

-- access to broadcast messages and talk in colors (#c blabla - in public channels)
accesstalk = 1

-- access to move distant items from/to distant locations
accessmove = 3

-- access to see id and position of the item you are looking at
accesslook = 2

3. Jak tamto wklejiciepokaze wam co gdzie walnoc ;]]
-------- config.lua --------
-- Config file for OTServ --

-- data directory location
datadir = "data/" -Nieruszac hybaże ktos zmieni nazwa z data na inne to tu wtedy tesz

-- map location
map = "data/world/Evolutions.otbm" -Połozenie mapki

-- mapkind
-- options: OTBM for binary map, XML for OTX map
mapkind = "OTBM"

-- map store location (for XML only)
mapstore = "data/world/Evolutions-mapstore.xml" -jak ktos zmieni mapke msui dostac taki plik tylko zamaist exolution cos innego napisane wtedy zmienic nazwe

-- house store location (for XML only)
housestore = "data/world/Evolutions-housestore.xml" Ten plik jak na /\

-- bans storage (for XML only)
banIdentifier = "data/bans.xml"

-- server name
servername = "Master OTS"-Nazwa otsa (nie swiata)

-- server location
location = "Poland" -nasze połoznie krajowe

-- server ip (the ip that server listens on)
ip = ""Tu wstawaimy ip jak chcecie sprawdzic to poprawej stronie paska bendzietaki znaczek z 2 monitorkami klikamy prawym przyciskiem stan klikamy i tam wybieramy obsługe i tam pisze adres ip i to wpisujemy

-- server port (the port that server listens on)
port = "7171" -to zostawic to jest port i taki jest podstawowy ;]]

-- server url
url = "---" - jak macie jakies forum czy co gdzie som informacje na temat tego danego otsa to tu wpisujemy link

-- server owner name
ownername = "---" -Nasz nick,imie

-- server owner email
owneremail = "---" -Tu e-mail nasz neitrzeba dawac ale jak kto chce

-- world name
worldname = "Master Land" Nazwa Swiata

-- world type
-- options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp" -rodzaj swiata no-pvp,pvp i enfo

-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1 second)
exhausted = 850 -Exhausedczyli prendkosc mozliwosci wykonywania lepiej dac 700 bo nize bedom uzywac macro

-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1 second)
exhaustedadd = 0 -zostaw

-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1 second)
pzlocked = 2500 -zostaw

-- house rent period
-- options: daily, weekly, monthly
houserentperiod = "monthly"-sam neiwiem do czego to ale ja nieruszam i mi wszystk odziala ;]]

-- rates (experience, skill, magic level and loot)
rate_exp = 5 -ile razy exp
rate_skill = 100 -ile razy skille
rate_mag = 100 -ile razy mlvl
rate_loot = 20 -ile razy loot czyli wypadane itemy zmeijszona zadkosc ;]]

-- motd (the message box that you sometimes get before you choose characters)
motd = "Welcome to WestSide Ots!Dzialamy na silniku Xing 7.9v0.1a!W razie problemow pisac na gg 4921853 lub jezeli ktos zna lepsza wersje tego otsa lub innego =]"-co ma wysjsc ;]]]
motdnum = "100"

-- login message
loginmsg = "Welcome to WestSide Ots!Exp 5,pvp,Skills x100,loot x 20=]!"- co ma wyjsc ;]]]

-- how many logins attempts until ip is temporary disabled
-- set to 0 to disable
logintries = 5

-- how long the retry timeout until a new login can be made (without disabling the ip)
retrytimeout = 20

-- how long the player need to wait until the ip is allowed again
logintimeout = 1 * 5 * 10

-- allow clones (multiple logins of the same char)
-- options: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
allowclones = 0 -jesli ktos chce zeby na jednym koncie gralo wiencej niz 1 osoba na raz zaznacza zamiast 0 to 1

-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "50" -maxymalna ilosc playeruw

-- md5 passwords for accounts
-- options: yes, no
md5passwords = "no"

-- SQL type
-- options: mysql, sqlite
sql_type = "mysql"

--- MySQL part (ignore if you are using SQLite)
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db = "otserv"

--- SQLite part (ignore if you are using MySQL)
sqlite_db = "db.s3db"

---------------------------- Xing basic configuration ----------------------------

--House Configs.
houselevel = 20 -od kturego lvla hatki
houseprice = 100 -ile 1 kratka kosztuje

--Server Save in minutes
-- Enable this server save?
enabletlm = "yes"
autosave = 2 -co ile zapisywany serv ma byc

--Skull configs
-- time to lose a white skull (1 = 1 minute)
whitetime = 2 -jesli ktos kogos zatakuje to ile musi czekac zeby znikla czaha

-- time to lose one frag (1 = 1 hour)
fragtime = 0.5

-- ban unjust, how many frags you need to get banned (1 = 1 frag)
banunjust = 9 -ile playeruw trzea zabic zeby dostac bana ;]

-- red skull unjust, how many frags you need to get a red skull (1 = 1 frag)
redunjust = 6 -ile trzeba zabic playeruw zeby meic red skulla

-- bantime, for how long the player is banned (1 = 1 hour)
bantime = 1*1-czas bana gdy sie dostaniew za zabijanie

--access configurations
accesstutor = 1

-- cap system
capsystem = "no"

--free premium?
freepremium = "no"

------------------------------ GM access rights --------------------------------

-- access to walk into houses and open house doors
accesshouse = 3

-- access to login without waiting in the queue or when server is closed
accessenter = 1

-- access to ignore damage, exhaustion, cap limit and be ignored by monsters
accessprotect = 3

-- access to broadcast messages and talk in colors (#c blabla - in public channels)
accesstalk = 1

-- access to move distant items from/to distant locations
accessmove = 3

-- access to see id and position of the item you are looking at
accesslook = 2
tu nic nieruszac

Gdy juz skonfigurowalismy to zaczynamy sie bawic playerami ;]]]
Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

wchodzimy w plik data a potem players itam som pliki zeby zzrobic se posatc wlasnczamy jakis tam plik i robimy (pokaze na przykladzie)
Pamientajcie anzwijcie plik jaki ma nick postac innaczej neibendzie dzialalo
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<player name="Xayno(tutaj nazwa playera)" id="3697909162" account="1(tu numer)" sex="1" lookdir="3" exp="254237300"(exp powinien sie skladac z lvlem) voc="0"(0 bez wokacji,1 sorc,2,druid,3 pal,4 knight) level="250(wiadomo lvl)" access="3(jaki acces czyli 0 to player a 3 to gm)" cap="0" maglevel="15000(jaki mlvl)" soul="0"(ile soula) maxdepotitems="1000" lastlogin="1168783990"><spawn x="437" y="549" z="5"/(polozenie naszego respawnu jak sie padnie gdzie sie mamy rodzic)><temple x="438" y="503" z="8"/(miejsce naszej swiontynki)><health now="220"(zycie teraz) max="220"/>(życie max)<mana now="80"(many teraz) max="80"(many max) spent="0"/><look type="145" head="114" (tu nasz wyglond)body="0" legs="0" feet="114" addons="3"/><guild name="Tu zaczynajom sie itemy tego neiznam wienc zostawie;]]]" rank="" nick="" id="0"/><skills><skill skillid="0" level="40" tries="0"/><skill skillid="1" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="2" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="3" level="10" tries="0"/><skill skillid="4" level="80" tries="12000"/><skill skillid="5" level="50" tries="0"/><skill skillid="6" level="20" tries="0"/></skills><inventory><slot slotid="1"><item id="5903"/></slot><slot slotid="3"><item id="1988"><inside><item id="2457"/><item id="2463"/><item id="2424"/><item id="2354"/><item id="2345"/><item id="2152" count="16"/><item id="2148" count="80"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2547" count="1"/><item id="2453"/></inside></item></slot><slot slotid="4"><item id="2653"/></slot><slot slotid="5"><item id="2383"/></slot><slot slotid="6"><item id="2152" count="60"/></slot><slot slotid="7"><item id="2647"/></slot><slot slotid="8"><item id="2643"/></slot><slot slotid="10"><item id="2543" count="47"/></slot></inventory><depots><depot depotid="1"><item id="2590" depot="0"><inside><item id="2594"/></inside></item></depot></depots><storage><data key="1110" value="1"/><data key="1111" value="1"/><data key="1112" value="1"/><data key="1113" value="1"/><data key="1121" value="1"/><data key="2345" value="1"/><data key="2354" value="1"/><data key="5014" value="1"/><data key="5015" value="1"/><data key="5016" value="1"/><data key="5019" value="1"/><data key="5069" value="1"/></storage><viplist/></player>
Gdy to skonczymy

to wychdozimy z players i znowu jestesmy w pliku data i tam klikamy accounts i wybieramy pierwszy lepszy num i zmieniamy jego nazwe na ten numer co wpisalismy w pliku players poprzednio
wlanczamy ten plik zapomocom notatnika

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<account pass="tibia(Tu hasło)" type="1" premDays="41(ile dni premium)" lastsaveday="278">
<character name="Xayno(tu nazwa playera)"/>

Teraz skonczylem swuj poradnik na temat robienia otsa i postaci ;]]] Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Mam nadzieje ze zato zareklamujecie moje forum na swoich otsach stworzonych przez ten poradnik ;]]

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